Friday, August 28, 2009

Hyler • For Tuesday 9/8

Teacher:  Hyler                         Class:  Social Studies                    Hours:  2, 5, 6, 7, 8
Notes:   Grades have been posted on Skyward.  If you need help accessing your child's grades, please check with the guidance office.  Students who have incompletes must have them made up and turned in by Tuesday, September 8.  Incompletes not made up will be changed to a zero.  Students with incompletes were given a list of those assignments on 8/28.

Please make sure your child has a 3-ring notebook that is just for social studies materials.

We checked Section 2, page 3 and 4 (grey package) on Wednesday or Thursday.  Friday students had all the period to finish Chapter 1 and 2.  We also checked (30 pts) to see if everyone had come prepared - book, package of notes, and something with which to write.  Those scores are posted on Skyward.

Tuesday we will check from Chapter 1 Section 3 (pages 4 to the top of page 10)  on Tuesday 9/8.  Be prepared to check when you come into the classroom.