Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hyler • For Monday-Friday 2/15-2/19

Teacher:  Hyler                         Class:  Social Studies                   Hour:  2, 5, 6, 7, 8
Notes:   If you need help accessing your child's grades, please check with the guidance office.   Note:  I make every effort possible to update grades on Skyward daily.

Please make sure your child has a 3-ring notebook  that is just for social studies materials and pencils.

Since some students were gone to the Brown Museum and others will be gone to Brown this week and some students were in and out of some classes last week due to Lied music performance, we are all at slightly different places, but we are working to get to the same place.

No date set for research paper as I want to allow needed time for me to teach what is needed, etc.  However, the due date will undoubtedly be around Feb 28 - early March.  I'll set for sure as soon as I feel we are far enough along.

Monday - All classes know that they should have an approved thesis sentence by Friday 2/19 (100 pts. yellow, pg 18-19).  

All classes know, they should be hand writing their entries for the Reference / Bibliography page.  Directions are the salmon pages.  Write on pages 27-28 so it will be easier to type.  page 30 has directions for setting a hanging indent.

Most classes have reviewed some papers in Appendix C from past years and were assigned to grade pages 5 and 15.  

Tuesday - Reviewing more papers in Appendix C.

Wednesday - Reviewing more papers as needed and blue pages handed out for the outline of the paper.  Time in class to work!!!

Thursday - I will be on field trip so lesson plans similar to Wed. will be left for the sub.  Students on the trip may want to take a sack lunch for when they return from Topeka.  Take a pencil on the trip!  We leave between 8:15-8:30 and return around noon.

Friday - Approved thesis due.  Probably will set due date by Friday.