Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hyler • For Monday-Friday 2/19-3/5

Teacher:  Hyler                         Class:  Social Studies                   Hour:  2, 5, 6, 7, 8
Notes:   If you need help accessing your child's grades, please check with the guidance office.   Note:  I make every effort possible to update grades on Skyward daily.  All grades are updated on Skyward as of 2/17.  If you or your child find what you believe is a mistake, please contact me!

Please make sure your child has a 3-ring notebook  that is just for social studies materials and pencils.  
Due Date
Approved thesis, yellow pg 18-19

Friday - 2/19
Generally, this is going well with many kids getting approval on their first attempt!  :)
100 possible
Need at least 90 for approval
References written, salmon pg 26-27
Monday - 2/22
50 points
Research Paper Outline, blue pg 34-3
Monday - 2/22
100 points
Brown Scavenger Hunt
Monday - 2/22
100 pts
Research Paper
Friday - Feb 26
Research Paper
Monday - 3/1
Research Paper
Tuesday – 3/2
Research Paper
Wednesday – 3/3
Research Paper
Thursday – 3/4
Research Paper
Friday 3/5
No extra points
Research Paper
After 3/5, 5 points will be deducted each day that it is late unless each member of the group attaches a coupon.  Turning in after 3/5 may mean that the paper does not get graded in time to go out on 3rd Q grades, but a change of grade will be done so that it will count, but may just appear on the printed grade card.

My goal is to get all papers turned in by March 5 graded and put on Skyward so they count as a grade for this quarter.  Should that become an impossible task, the papers will be counted as the first grade of the 4th quarter.

We will be doing some other assignments during this time, but I will keep them low-key and focus on in-class work.