Teacher: Hyler Class: Social Studies Hour: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
Notes: If you need help accessing your child's grades, please check with the guidance office. Note: I make every effort possible to update grades on Skyward daily. Please make sure your child has a 3-ring notebook that is just for social studies materials and pencils. If you haven't heard, we have $2,000 for Haiti. The seventh gade voted to give $1,000 to the American Red Cross and $1,000 to Doctors without Borders and to give their $100 to the Haiti fund! |
Assignment We will be on computers Thursday and Friday. Topics must be selected by Friday or I will assign one. We are working on Blooper Thesis Sentence sheets and writing thesis sentences. Friday is the last day to turn in the field trip permission form for the Brown v. Board trip. 3) Write your thesis sentence. After picking a topic and reading, you will need to write a thesis statement that includes the three topics for your three body paragraphs. Below are some sample thesis statements.